How to stop innovation!

After a long break, I am glad to get back to blogging.  While researching ideas, I read a great Blog by Rosabeth Moss Kante called Nine Rules for Stifling Innovation.  While we all probably think that we would never engage in these type of activities, don’t be so sure.  You’ll definitely want to read the complete post, but briefly the 9 rules are:

  1. Be suspicious of any new idea from below
  2. Invoke history.
  3. Keep people really busy.
  4. In the name of excellence, encourage cut-throat competition.
  5. Stress predictability above all.
  6. Confine discussion of strategies and plans to a small circle of trusted advisors.
  7. Act as though punishing failure motivates success.
  8. Blame problems on the incompetent people below
  9. Above all, never forget that we got to the top because we already know everything there is to know about this business.

If you’re honest you probably engage in some of these practices from time to time.  recognize it, and take steps to foster, not hinder innovation.