What does it take to be innovative?

InnovationInnovation is about bringing ideas to life, using creativity to look at, and even try something different.  In a recent article I read “The 6 Questions That Lead To New Innovations” it said “innovation usually involves a fresh perspective on something that already exists”.  Being innovative is different from being an “inventor”, and building something new.

I didn’t “invent” the social network, but neither did Mark Zuckerberg.  However, I do use the power of social networking applications every day to amplify the League’s brand, push placemaking initiatives, and create connections from around the world.  You can implement these same strategies to highlight your community’s assets and build a stronger social connection with your citizens.

Powerful communications tools already exist.  Facebook and Twitter are easy to use, and they’re FREE. They will help you expand your reach and give you new opportunities to tell your community’s unique story.  Look at the 6 questions of innovation to come up with new ideas to use your existing social networks.  If you don’t have a social presence, these questions can help bring new ideas to your current communication strategies.

Better Communities. Better Michigan.