House Committee Takes Testimony on Online Public Notice Legislation

This week, the House Local Government Committee took testimony on HB 1483, legislation that would phase out the newspaper publication requirement for public notices and transition the notices to the Internet.  This is a re-introduction from last session.

HB 4183 creates a tiered system for legal notices and phases them out over time. The legislation is vague, but the least “serious” notices would be considered Tier C. Tier A would include those notices that deal with property and finances.  Because these tiers are not defined in law, there is confusion as to what constitutes Tier A, B or C.  We are working to put together a document to explain each one and will push that out as soon as it is available.

There is a 10 year phase out of print publication notices and phases in online notices over that same period of time.  Tier A’s are posted in the newspapers the longest as they deal with property loss, taxes, etc.  Each 5 years the tiers are stepped down to the next level, removing one print publication notice, until they are all online by 2025.

The legislation allows local electors to hold a referendum to require continued publication in a newspaper. It allows local units to enter into contracts with media outlets for publication on their websites. The bill also requires archiving of public notices for five years.

Nikki Brown is a legislative associate for the League handling economic development and land use issues.  She can be reached at

Proposal 1 FREE Webinar Now Available from Michigan Municipal League

A newly posted webinar (watch above) by the Michigan Municipal League lays out the details on Proposal 1 heading to voters May 5 and includes neutral information as well as details on why the League supports the proposal. The League is an active member of the Safe Roads Yes! coalition that is backing Proposal 1. Check out the League’s Safe Roads Yes! webpages that explains the impact Proposal 1 will have on Michigan municipalities.

Bad Roads Potholes April 2014 Local Roads Matter (2)-square-small-webThe webinar by the League’s John LaMacchia II took place on Friday (Feb 27, 2015) and is available for viewing for free for League and community members. The webinar focuses on the history leading up to the Legislature coming up with Proposal 1, what it means for communities and how there’s no Plan B for fixing our roads should the plan fail on May 5.

There has been a lot of media coverage and work by the Safe Roads Yes! coalition in recent days regarding Proposal 1. One of the best, most informative pieces came out Friday (Feb. 27, 2015) by the Detroit Free Press. With the headline, “Roads 101: What you need to know about Proposal 1,” the opinion piece by the Freep editorial board is in question and answer format. It does an excellent job laying out some of the concerns people may have about Proposal 1 and then addressing those concerns.

One other thing that happened late last week was the approval of the official ballot language for Proposal 1. You can read that here.

In addition, the League continues to ask its member communities to approve resolutions in support of Proposal 1. These resolutions are vital to letting your residents know that Proposal 1 is good for communities and will improve our deteriorating roads. Go here for a sample resolution in both Word and PDF formats.

League members who have questions about Proposal 1 should contact the League’s John LaMacchia II at or 517-908-0303.

Matt Bach is director of media relations for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at and (734) 669-6317.

Webinar on Proposal 1 is Friday for Michigan Municipal League Members

The League is hosting a free webinar on Friday about Proposal 1.

The League is hosting a free webinar on Friday about Proposal 1.

We’ve heard you have questions about Proposal 1. Well, the Michigan Municipal League has answers.

Participate in our FREE webinar 11 a.m. to noon Friday (Feb. 27, 2015) about the road funding proposal that is heading to voters May 5. The hour-long webinar will be led by the League’s transportation expert John LaMacchia II.

The session will give you all you need to know about the road funding proposal, what it means for your communities, how you can inform your residents about it, and why the League Board of Trustees supports it.

Click here to sign up.

Go here to learn more about the proposal and how the League is asking Michigan communities to pass resolutions in support of the plan.

Vote yes on Proposal 1. Join the coalition at

Vote yes on Proposal 1. Join the coalition at

And check out our web page geared toward Michigan’s cities and villages regarding Proposal 1. This web page provides community-specific information about Proposal 1 and its impact on municipalities. The page has neutral, information-only documents regarding Proposal 1. It also has information on why the League believes you and your residents should vote yes, and documents showing projected road revenue and revenue sharing dollars should Proposal 1 pass.

If you have about Proposal 1 please contact the League’s John LaMacchia at 517-908-0303,

Matt Bach is director of media relations for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at

Michigan Municipal League Asks Members to Pass Resolutions in Support of Proposal 1

A fire truck makes an emergency run over crumbling roads in Macomb County. Vote yes for safe roads on May 5.

A fire truck makes an emergency run over crumbling roads in Macomb County. Vote yes for safe roads on May 5.

(UPDATE: Free webinar on Proposal 1 is Friday for League members. Click here to sign up.)

As you may know, the Michigan Municipal League Board in January unanimously pledged support of Proposal 1 going to the voters on May 5.

Recently the League launched a web page geared toward Michigan’s cities and villages regarding Proposal 1. This web page provides community-specific information about Proposal 1 and its impact on municipalities.

The page has neutral, information-only documents regarding Proposal 1. It also has information on why the League believes you and your residents should vote yes, and documents showing projected road revenue and revenue sharing dollars should Proposal 1 pass.

The League’s page is also tied to the statewide campaign webpage that can be found at

A school bus travels over bumpy roads. Vote yes for safe roads on May 5.

A school bus travels over bumpy roads. Vote yes for safe roads on May 5.

Your support is essential in getting Proposal 1 passed. There are multiple ways you can help and here are some steps we hope you will take:

– Pass a resolution in support of Proposal 1. We have prepared a sample resolution for you here.

– Send an op-ed or letter to the editor to your local media. There are multiple letter samples to pick from here.

– Sign up at the official campaign website here.

If you have about Proposal 1 please contact the League’s John LaMacchia at 517-908-0303,

Matt Bach is director of media relations for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at

The Transportation Asset Management Council Requests Nominations for its Organizational and Individual Achievement Awards

A primary objective of Michigan’s Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC)
is to assist Act 51 agencies implement an asset management program for roads and
bridges under their jurisdiction. To this end, the TAMC has facilitated statewide
collection of system condition data, supported the development of tools and procedures,
and sponsored training and educational sessions in the practice of asset management.

To further aid Act 51 agencies, the TAMC has established the Organizational
Achievement Award to acknowledge those agencies that have incorporated the principles
of asset management and adopted an asset management plan to help guide their
investment decisions. In addition, the TAMC Awards Program provides agencies around
the state with excellent case examples to establish their own programs. All Act 51 road
agencies are eligible to be nominated for this award.

Additionally, the TAMC wants to recognize individuals providing outstanding support of
Asset Management and the TAMC. Nominees for the Individual Achievement Award can
include elected officials (state or local), support staff from state agencies, regional /
metropolitan planning organizations, county road commissions, local units of
government, the education community or other individuals involved in promoting
Michigan’s TAMC programs.

Further in information about the TAMC awards program can be found at the following link. TAMCAward_Criteria_2014

Nominations and/or any questions can be sent to Frank Kelley. He can be reached at or 517-373-211.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, and energy issues. He can be reached at or 517-908-0303.

MDOT Local Bridge Program soliciting applications for Fiscal Year 2018

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is soliciting applications for candidate projects for the Local Bridge Program. Selected projects will be funded during the 2018 fiscal year. The deadline for application is May 5th.

The FY 2018 Local Bridge Program Call for Applications letter, new Asset Management Bridge Inventory Data and Maintenance Plan Spreadsheet and a new Capitol Scheduled Maintenance Cost Estimate Worksheet are posted below.

FY 2018 Local Bridge Program Call for Applications

Bridge Repair Cost Estimate Worksheet 2015

Capital Scheduled Maintenance Estimate Worksheet 2015

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, and energy issues. He can be reached at or 517-908-0303.

Oakland County Bar Association to Host Fracking Panel and Discussion

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has issued new instructions pertaining to oil/gas drilling in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb Counties.

The Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Law and Municipal Law Committees of the Oakland County Bar Association are hosting a panel discussion for attorneys and municipal employees focusing on hydraulic fracking in Michigan on February 26, 2015 at the Management Education Center in Troy starting at 1:00 pm. Please see the following flyer for details. Hydraulic Fracking

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, and energy issues. He can be reached at or 517-908-0303.

Governor Snyder Announces Budget Plan

Governor Snyder today unveiled his plans for handling the current year budget shortfall and the state’s 2016 fiscal year (FY16) budget.  Recognizing the difficulty that the State is experiencing given the current revenue forecasts, the Michigan Municipal League appreciates that funding for local governments was not targeted for additional reductions, but does note that there were other areas of the budget that received additional funding or where investment in new programs were proposed.

The announced plan maintains statutory revenue sharing at currently budgeted levels throughout the remainder of this fiscal year.  Constitutional payments, which automatically rise or fall based on sales tax receipts and only go to cities, villages and townships, are estimated to rise by 3% to $788 million for FY16. This growth represents a $23.8 million increase in the coming year. In addition, the Governor’s proposal continues the current year statutory revenue sharing scheme for cities, villages and townships into FY16 with a recommended $243 million.

The League continues to maintain that the state’s system of funding support for municipalities is broken and in need of reform and this budget proposal does not address that issue. However, considering the state predicts having $532.1 million in less revenue due to cashed-in business tax credits the League is encouraged that statutory revenue sharing remains whole and constitutional revenue sharing continues to increase.

For specific details on the budget proposal, please visit View the League media statement on the budget.

Chris Hackbarth is the League’s director of state affairs. He can be reached at 517-908-0304 and


MDOT to Send Out MI Travel Counts Survey

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), in cooperation with the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), will administer a travel survey program call MI Travel Counts. Throughout the course of the yearlong study, thousands of randomly selected households will receive letters inviting them to participate in the survey. It is important that, if contacted, municipal officials can verify the legitimacy of the survey and encourage the participation of selected households.

MDOT has provided the following letter containing information on the survey. MI Travel Counts. Additional information about the study can be found here.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at or 517-908-0303.