
Additional Briefings from White House About American Rescue Plan Guidelines Set for Today and Tomorrow

Posted on May 12, 2021 by Dene Westbrook

Here are some of ineligible uses of the American Rescue Plan support for municipalities. These were shared Monday as part of a presentation by the U.S. Department of the Treasury during a webinar Monday.

Due to the overwhelming interest in this topic, the White House and U.S. Department of the Treasury are having additional briefings on the new guidelines municipalities must follow for the American Rescue Plan assistance. The National League of Cities and the Michigan Municipal League also have free informational virtual events to share Michigan-specific information later today and Monday. Register for today’s NLC event here and the MML’s Live with the League conversation on Monday here when we will discuss the new guidelines and what they mean for our members.

The new guidelines, which are 151 pages long (view them here and view an MML break-down of them here), were released Monday and White House briefings for municipalities reached capacity so these new briefings have been scheduled for 5 p.m. today (May 12) and 4 p.m. tomorrow (May 13). Register here for today’s briefing and here for tomorrow’s briefing.

In addition, here are some resources provided by the White House and Treasury Department:

Here are some additional resources provided by NLC and the federal government:

The National League of Cities has sent the MML the following documents detailing the guidelines and allocations:

Here is a video from the League about our new talking points (printable pdf of the talking points is here):

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