
Transportation Asset Management Council Releases Schedule for Submitting Asset Management Plans

Posted on November 26, 2018 by Dene Westbrook

The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) recently provided an update on Public Act (PA) 325, which was enacted in July 2018. PA 325 modifies TAMC’s program to include requirements for asset management plans from local road agencies. No later than October 1, 2019, the TAMC shall develop a template for an asset management plan for use by local road agencies responsible for 100 or more certified miles of road and require its submission to the TAMC. No later than October 1, 2019, the TAMC shall establish a schedule for the submission of asset management plans by local road agencies that ensures that 1/3 of these local road agencies submit an asset management plan each year. The TAMC has been working on establishing the submission schedule and has sought feedback from member agencies.

A its November 7, 2018 TAMC meeting, the TAMC determined the schedule for TAMP submittals. To view the schedule please click on the following link. TAMC Letter to Local Agencies_PA 325 TAMP Schedule 2018

Please note, local road agencies can volunteer to advance to an earlier year, however cannot delay to a later year. Also note, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is not listed in this schedule as the Federal Highway Administration provides oversight of TAMPs coming from state transportation departments, therefore MDOT is not subject to this PA 325 requirement. Lastly, if your agency is not listed on this schedule, your agency is not required to submit a TAMP under this legislation. However, TAMC does encourage all road agencies to utilize our training programs, plan templates and processes to assist you in management of your road system.

TAMC provides a template for TAMPs and it is available on its website. This template is being modified to comply with the new law. In addition, TAMC is working with Michigan Technological University (MTU) to provide formal training for TAMP development with modules designed to assist agencies in completing the required plan elements. There are now training schedules available that can be found on the Center for Technology and Training website.

When TAMPs begin to be submitted in 2020, the TAMC shall review the TAMPs that are submitted and shall compare them to the minimum requirements of the law and the template created by the TAMC to determine whether the TAMP complies with those standards. If the TAMP does not meet those standards, the TAMC shall seek concurrence from MDOT that the TAMP does not meet the TAMC’s standards.

Beginning October 1, 2025, if the TAMC determines, and MDOT concurs, that a local road agency has not demonstrated progress toward achieving the condition goals described in its TAMP for its federal-aid eligible county primary road system or city major street system, as applicable, the TAMC shall provide notice to the local road agency of the reasons that it has determined progress is not being made and make recommendations on how to make progress toward the local road agency’s condition goals. The local road agency shall become compliant within 6 months after receiving the notification.

Please take the time to attend the many training sessions offered for continued success in TAMPs. If you have questions or concerns,  please contact Roger A. Belknap, TAMC Coordinator, at 517-335-4580 or [email protected].

John LaMacchia is the Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs for the League handling transportation, infrastructure, energy and environment issues. He can be reached at [email protected] or 517-908-0303.

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