Rosalynn Bliss

Rosalynn Bliss

Former Mayor

City of Grand Rapids

Shanna Draheim

Shanna Draheim

Director, Policy Research Labs

Michigan Municipal League

Bridgette Gransden

Bridgette Gransden


County of Midland

David Hodgkins

David Hodgkins

Legislative Associate, State & Federal Affairs

Michigan Municipal League

Emily Kieliszewski

Emily Kieliszewski

Assistant Director of Member Experience and Learning

Michigan Municipal League

The Honorable Representative Dan Kildee

The Honorable Representative Dan Kildee


Community Foundation of Greater Flint

John LaMacchia II

John LaMacchia II

Director, State & Federal Affairs

Michigan Municipal League

Richard Murphy

Richard Murphy

Program Manager

Michigan Municipal League

Kerrin O’Brien

Kerrin O’Brien

Executive Director

Michigan Recycling Coalition

Sarah Peck

Sarah Peck

Director, UnitedOnGuns

Public Health Advocacy Institute, Northeastern University

Herasanna Richards

Herasanna Richards

Legislative Associate, State & Federal Affairs

Michigan Municipal League

Jennifer Rigterink

Jennifer Rigterink

Assistant Director, State & Federal Affairs

Michigan Municipal League

The Honorable Representative Fred Upton

The Honorable Representative Fred Upton

Former US Congressman

US Congress

John Willis

John Willis

Chief Equity Officer

City of Jackson