Legislation Allowing Angled Parking on State Trunklines Voted out of Senate Committee

Currently state statute prohibits angled parking on state trunklines in Michigan. As more and more communities look to reinvent their downtown’s there is a great need for flexibility to help create vibrant and livable spaces. Many of our cities and villages across Michigan have state trunklines that are a main street through their downtown. HB 5073 would allow a municipality to work with MDOT and receive authorization to have angled parking on a trunkline.

The need to change this statue was brought to us by the City of West Branch. This bill is being sponsored by Representative Pettalia in the House and Senator Casperson in the Senate. With support from the League and  MDOT, the bill was unanimously voted out of Senate Transportation Committee. We are appreciate of the efforts of these sponsors and look forward to working with them to continue moving this bill forward.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.

Angled Parking Legislation Passes the House Unanimously

The Michigan House of Representative, by a unanimous vote of 110-0, sent HB 5073 to the Senate. This bill would allow MDOT to approved angled parking on state trunklines at the request of a local municipality. The Michigan Municipal League would like to thank Rep. Peter Pettalia for sponsoring this legislation and his commitment to moving it through the House. We look forward to his continued support as we work with Sen. Tom Casperson, Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, in the hopes of getting this bill to the governors desk before the end of the year.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.

MDOT Letter Regarding Annual Certification of Employee-Related Conditions

Over the past few weeks many members have received a letter from the Michigan Department of Transportation about complying with section 18j of Public Act 51 (MCL 247.668j). A copy of the letter can be found here. Act 51 Letter

The League became aware of this letter when a member brought it to our attention and it has come up multiple times since then. We have spoken with Lori Cole at MDOT and the Legislative Liaison for the department to make them aware of our concerns. Based on the conversation that we had with Lori, she understands there are some issues that need to be looked at and possibly corrected. She stated that it is not the departments intention to have the unintended consequence of withholding Act 51 road dollars because of the potential lack of clarity within the statute. Specifically I spoke with the department about clarifying the language about being in compliance with healthcare cost savings requirements and its interaction with PA 152, the creation of a webpage, and the need to better define transportation worker.

Our goal is to address these issues with the department to protect our Act 51 road dollars and not have our communities go through a similar process that they are already going through with EVIP. Providing that information to the State once should be enough and their departments should share it with each other. Very likely this will require further legislation to achieve these goals but it is an issue that we are engaged in and are pushing for action on in the near future.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.



Legislation Allowing Angled Parking on State Trunklines Passes Committee

Currently state statute prohibits angled parking on state trunklines in Michigan. As more and more communities look to reinvent their downtown’s there is a great need for flexibility to help create vibrant and livable spaces. Many of our cities and villages across Michigan have state trunklines that are a main street through their downtown. HB 5073 would allow a municipality to work with MDOT and receive authorization to have angled parking on a trunkline.

The need to change this statue was brought to us by the City of West Branch. This bill is being sponsored by Representative Pettalia in the House and Senator Casperson in the Senate. With support from the League and  MDOT, the bill was unanimously voted out of House Transportation Committee. We are appreciate of the efforts of these sponsors and look forward to working with them to continue moving this bill forward.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.

Timeliness Report for Bridge Safety Inspections for Local Agencies Released by MDOT

MDOT has released the the timeliness report for bridge safety inspections for local agencies. A copy of the report can be found below.

Local Summary Sept 2013

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling transportation and infrastructure issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.

ORV Legislation Another Step Closer to the Governor’s Desk

This week the the Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Great Lakes moved three bills designed to help expand ORV use in Michigan for residents and tourists.

Senate Bill 50 would allow the DNR to create free ORV riding days. These would be similar to the free fishing weekends currently established by the DNR and would allow riders to use Michigan’s trail system without purchasing a license.

House Bill 4284 would establish a process for local units of government to approach MDOT with a request allowing ORV use on State Trunklines within their jurisdiction. It would also allow MDOT to designate State Trunklines for ORV use for the purpose of connecting trails or for access to food, fuel ,or lodging.

House Bill 4299 would expand the ability of a local unit of government to pass an ordinance allowing or preventing ORVs on roadways under their jurisdiction to all 83 counties.

Through discussion with the sponsors of these bills the League has worked to improve our communities local control over ORVs while maintaining high safety standards for riders, increasing access to trails and promoting tourism in Michigan.

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling Transportation issues. He can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.

Timeliness Report for Bridge Safety Inspections for Local Agencies Released by MDOT

MDOT has released the timeliness report for bridge safety inspections for local agencies. A copy of the report can be found below.

Local Summary June 2013

John LaMacchia is a Legislative Associate for the League handling Transportation issue. he can be reached at jlamacchia@mml.org or 517-908-0303.