Free Webinar Regarding Supreme Court’s Ruling on Allowing Prayer in Meetings

The National League of Cities is hosting a free webinar on May 28th. The Supreme Court’s decision in Town of Greece v. Galloway clarifies allowable prayer practices before local government bodies and state legislatures.  Join Tom Hungar, Gibson Dunn, who argued this case before the Supreme Court, Douglas Haney, City Attorney for the City of Carmel, Indiana, and Lanny Proffer, former General Counsel for the National Conference of States Legislatures, in a discussion about how the Court’s ruling affects both state and local government.

Space is limited.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

This FREE webinar is co-sponsored by the State and Local Legal Center, the International Municipal Lawyers Association, and the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Title: Government Prayer after Town of Greece
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

Mac®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer
Mobile attendees
Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

White House Releases Long Term Transportation Proposal

Last week, the White House released it’s long term Transportation Bill. This is in the midst of a federal transportation crisis, as Congress struggles with how to address the insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund – set to run out of money by the end of the summer. It is unclear if Congress will be able to come to a resolution on a long term fix in the middle of the mid term election cycle, or if they’ll scramble to find a short term fix until the lame duck session. The Press Release is listed below:

DOT 39-14
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Contact: Press Office
Tel: 202-366-4570

Secretary Foxx Sends Transportation Bill to Congress
GROW AMERICA Act would create jobs, provide certainty for country’s future growth

WASHINGTON – U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today unveiled a long-term transportation bill he is sending to Congress for consideration as the House and Senate face looming deadlines to avoid the economic uncertainty and job loss that would ensue if the Highway Trust Fund runs out of money this summer. The GROW AMERICA Act reflects President Obama’s vision for a four-year surface transportation reauthorization bill that would create millions of jobs and lay the foundation for long-term competitiveness, rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges while providing much-needed certainty for local and state governments and addressing the country’s future needs.

“I visited eight states and 13 cities as part of my Invest in America, Commit to the Future bus tour this month and everywhere I went, I heard the same thing – people want more transportation options and better roads and bridges to get them where they need to go,” said Secretary Foxx. “Failing to act before the Highway Trust Fund runs out is unacceptable – and unaffordable. This proposal offers the kind of job creation and certainty that the American people want and deserve. I have been pleased to see that members of both parties are already working together to solve these challenges, and I look forward to continuing our discussion and to supporting and building on the good work that’s already been done.”

On February 26, Secretary Foxx joined President Obama to announce a plan to address the nation’s infrastructure deficit with a $302 billion, four-year surface transportation reauthorization proposal. As outlined in the FY2015 budget, the plan will invest in our national infrastructure network, increase safety and efficiency, and provide greater access to ladders of opportunity, all without adding to the deficit, by relying on the President’s proposed pro-growth business tax reforms.

The GROW AMERICA Act is based on this plan, and represents a number of proposals that have historically attracted bipartisan support including:

• Addressing the shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund and providing an additional $87 billion to address the nation’s backlog of deficient bridges and aging transit systems;
• Creating millions of new jobs to ensure America’s future competitiveness;
• Increasing safety across all modes of surface transportation, including increasing the civil penalties the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) can levy against automakers who fail to act quickly on vehicle recalls;
• Providing certainty to state and local governments that must engage in long-term planning;
• Reducing project approval and permitting timelines while delivering better outcomes for communities and the environment;
• Bolstering efficient and reliable freight networks to support trade and economic growth; and
• Creating incentives to better align planning and investment decisions to comprehensively address regional economic needs while strengthening local decision-making.

“GROW AMERICA makes the sizable investment needed to improve our country’s roads and bridges,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau. “Improving U.S. infrastructure is a national priority, and will ensure America’s economy remains robust for generations yet to come.”

“The Administration’s proposal makes forward-leaning investments in ladders to economic opportunity for the many millions of Americans who want to work, or simply need a reliable and safe way to get to work,” said Deputy Federal Transit Administrator Therese McMillan. “The GROW AMERICA Act will put thousands of Americans to work on repairing and expanding our aging transit infrastructure, while training women, minorities, and veterans to fill the jobs gap in transit through innovative new workforce development programs.”

“The GROW AMERICA Act will provide rail with a predictable, dedicated funding source and the tools needed to drive the next generation of rail safety and development,” said Joseph C. Szabo, Federal Railroad Administrator.  “It lays out a comprehensive strategy to eliminate risk on railroads through data-driven enforcement, proactive safety programs that identify risk in advance, and strong capital investment.  The safety gains identified in the bill, coupled with new investments in a higher performance rail network will move rail into the 21st Century.”

“Commercial bus travel is increasingly popular and this legislation will build on our unprecedented efforts to make it even safer by expanding oversight to bus ticket brokers and the locations where motorcoaches can be inspected,” said Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator Anne S. Ferro. “In addition, it will ensure fair pay for long-distance bus and truck drivers who are often paid by the miles they travel, not their total time on-duty, and face economic pressure to jeopardize safety by driving beyond the mandatory limits.”

“Whether traveling by motor vehicle, walking or bicycling, we are committed to ensuring that Americans reach their destinations safely. Our approach will continue to support both safer behavior and safer vehicles to prevent deaths and injuries on our roadways,” said Acting Administrator David Friedman, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “As the nation’s top regulator of the automotive industry, we hold manufacturers accountable for defect and compliance issues regarding their products and are seeking to further our ability to do so in the future, including increasing civil penalty limits nearly 10 times to $300 million.”

“On a typical day, more than 6.1 million tons of hazmat move throughout our nation’s transportation network,” said Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administrator Cynthia Quarterman.  “The GROW AMERICA Act promotes efficiencies and improvements that will help PHMSA ensure that the transport of hazmat by road, rail, air and water continues to move safely and efficiently.”

Earlier this month, Secretary Foxx traveled across the country on his Invest in America, Commit to the Future bus tour, with visits to manufacturers, bridges, freight facilities, and highway projects to raise awareness of America’s infrastructure deficit. Secretary Foxx met with business leaders, stakeholders and members of communities to discuss the projects that work, projects that are needed, and to ask them to commit to a future with an American transportation system that’s second-to-none.

In the face of current uncertainty of federal transportation investment, many states have postponed or canceled needed transportation projects altogether. And without additional investment, deficiencies in our nation’s infrastructure will cost businesses more than $1 trillion every year in lost sales. Despite this growing need, the Highway Trust Fund, which provides most of the federal support for state transportation projects, is on track to start bouncing checks as early as August. In January, the Department of Transportation began posting a ticker online so the American people can track the remaining funds, available here.

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or


Free Webinar Outlines How Communities Can Pay for Infrastructure

Local Solutions to Pay for Your Infrastructure Projects: Infrastructure Funding & Financing

This free webinar is being hosted by the National League of Cities on Tuesday, May 13th from 2:00 – 3:00. To register, click here.

Investment in infrastructure is critical to the economic development of this nation.  Not only does it pay for much needed transportation projects, but it is a job creator, a revenue generator, and a helps promote partnerships between a variety of stakeholders.  With federal funding in jeopardy, states and localities are having to explore new funding options to pay for their transportation infrastructure investments.

The National League of Cities, along with the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, will be hosting this webinar to help participants understand the ins and outs of alternative financing and funding mechanisms.  Presenters will explore a variety of sources and what contributes to an effective “financing toolkit.”  Participants will hear from speakers from Austin, TX and Tampa-Hillsborough, FL on how they are collaborating with key stakeholders on transportation financing options that best serve their communities.


Mike Heiligenstein, Executive Director, Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Austin, TX and President, International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association

Howard Lazarus, Director of Public Works, City of Austin, TX

Joseph Waggoner, CEO and Executive Director, Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

Free Federal Transportation Funding Webinar Wednesday, March 26th

The National League of Cities is hosting a free webinar tomorrow, March 26th.

Funding the Transportation System of Your Community’s Future
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
1:00 to 2:00 pm ET

Anticipated population growth in metropolitan centers are driving communities to think about how to fund transportation systems needed to meet current demands and future needs at the same time. But challenges can arise with budgetary shortfalls, competing local priorities, and the need to plan for both economically and environmentally sustainable places to live and work.

The National League of Cities and Transportation for America will share how Indianapolis, IN has been addressing their transportation obstacles and building a multimodal network that is able to create and provide access to jobs. Webinar participants will learn how to engage a wide variety of stakeholders and how to come together to think forwardly and creatively about their transportation needs and the impact federal dollars are having on their local projects. The webinar will also go over some of the opportunities and challenges in the current transportation bill, MAP-21 and what the outlook is for local governments with the next bill.

Participants Include:
Julia Pulidindi, National League of Cities
Sarah Kline, Research Director, Transportation for America
David Rosenberg, Director of Enterprise Development, Mayor Gregory A. Ballard’s Office, City of Indianapolis, IN
Mike Terry, President and CEO, IndyGo
Sean Northup, Assistant Executive Director, Indy MPO

This is a free webinar. Please feel free to share with others who may be interested. To register for the webinar, click here.

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

White House Announces $600 Million in TIGER Grants Available Starting April 3rd

The White House has announced that $600 Million will be available for the next round of TIGER grants. The Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) can be found on the DOT website at< along with information on upcoming informational webinars. Initially created as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the previous five rounds of the program have funded 270 projects across all fifty states. Some of the details this year include:

*       No pre-applications are required for this round of TIGER.

*       Up to $35 million may be awarded for Planning Grants.

*       Date for to Begin Receiving Applications: April 3, 2014.

*       Deadline for Final Applications: April 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. EDT

For further information click here:

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or




Federal Tax Reform Proposal Has Consequences for Local Communities

Ways and Means Chairman David Camp (R-MI) has released his long awaited tax reform proposal. And, unfortunately within the 1,000 page bill, there is an impact of the tax exempt nature of municipal bonds. It’s not a complete elimination, however it is significant in that, a greater proportion of investors are in the tax bracket facing the new tax. Specifically, the proposal would:

  • Partially tax otherwise tax-exempt municipal bond interest for taxpayers in the new 35-percent tax bracket, which would apply to individuals with income of at least $400,000 and married couples with incomes of at least $450,000. For these taxpayers, the proposal would effectively impose a 10-percent tax on otherwise tax-exempt interest income. The tax would apply to interest earned on both new issues and outstanding bonds.
  • Prohibit the future issuance of tax-exempt private-activity bonds, including bonds issued by private, non-profit entities. In addition, the proposal would prohibit the use of mortgage credit certificates in lieu of tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds.
  • Eliminate the ability to issue advance refunding bonds.
  • Market discount on municipal and other bonds would be required to be accreted and recognized as income annually over the life of an investment rather than at one time when a bond is sold or redeemed.
  • Eliminate the income tax deduction for state and local taxes paid by residents.

The League’s position is that since the inception of our nation, there has been a legal arrangement that one government entity would not tax another governmental entity’s funding of essential services. We believe that covenant needs to remain intact and urge Congress to remove these components from the package when it begins work on it. We will be taking this message to Congress when leaders of the League visit Washington DC.

Summer Minnick is the Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

Federal Budget Provides Some Relief for Local Government Programs

The programs impacting local units of government in the federal budget were all preserved, or saw small increases in the budget Congress recently approved. The budget overall increases discretionary spending to state and local governments by 4.5%, $24 billion, to a total of $492 billion. Some key local programs that saw flat funding or slight increases include TIGER grants and public transit “new starts” program, CDBG, Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund programs, and the COPS program.The budget funds the federal government through September 30, 2014. The President is expected to present his FY 2014-15 budget to Congress some time in March.

Summer Minnick is Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

Expand Your Influence: Apply for a National League of Cities Policy and Advocacy Committee

Have you ever wanted to engage more in federal policy? Now is your chance! The National League of Cities is accepting applications for their full Policy and Advocacy Committees. There are several committees to choose form, including Community and Economic Development; Energy, Environment and Natural Resources; Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations; Human Development; Information Technology and Communications; Public Safety and Crime Prevention; Transportation Infrastructure and Services. You do not need to be a  member city of NLC to participate in the full committees (you do need to be a member to serve on each Steering Committee). The full committees meet at NLC’s two major events each year – the Congressional Cities Conference and the Congress of Cities and Exposition. If you are interested, the deadline to submit your application is Friday, January 24th. To apply, click here.

Summer Minnick is Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

Federal Government Making Changes to How Communities Deal with Volunteer Firefighters Under the ACA

Recently, several articles have appeared that reference a “glitch” in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in which communities with more than 50 employees will be forced to provide coverage for volunteer firefighters. Since this came about, Treasury and the IRS have reviewed the information and just released a statement, saying they will be providing rules soon that addresses this unintended consequence. The release from Treasury can be found by clicking here.

Summer Minnick is Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or

Congress Set to Finish Appropriation Bills This Week

Congress is back to work after their winter break. Just before the holidays, they passed a two-year budget agreement that lifted the sequester on discretionary programs that were set to go into effect if no action was taken. Now, they have until January 15th to pass all the appropriation bills necessary to outline how those set funding levels will be divided up. There is no agreement yet but negotiations seem to be moving along and are being held closely to the vest by House and Senate leaders. One issue that was not resolved favorably in the budget negotiation was the Build America Bonds (BABs) subsidy payments. So the reduction in those payments will continue. We will update you this week on how the budget breakdowns unfold.

Summer Minnick is Director of Policy Initiatives and Federal Affairs. She can be reached at 517-908-0301 or