A fire truck makes an emergency run over crumbling roads in Macomb County. Vote yes for safe roads on May 5.
(UPDATE: Free webinar on Proposal 1 is Friday for League members. Click here to sign up.)
As you may know, the Michigan Municipal League Board in January unanimously pledged support of Proposal 1 going to the voters on May 5.
Recently the League launched a web page geared toward Michigan’s cities and villages regarding Proposal 1. This web page provides community-specific information about Proposal 1 and its impact on municipalities.
The page has neutral, information-only documents regarding Proposal 1. It also has information on why the League believes you and your residents should vote yes, and documents showing projected road revenue and revenue sharing dollars should Proposal 1 pass.
The League’s page is also tied to the statewide campaign webpage that can be found at saferoadsyes.com.
Your support is essential in getting Proposal 1 passed. There are multiple ways you can help and here are some steps we hope you will take:
– Pass a resolution in support of Proposal 1. We have prepared a sample resolution for you here.
– Send an op-ed or letter to the editor to your local media. There are multiple letter samples to pick from here.
– Sign up at the official campaign website here.
If you have about Proposal 1 please contact the League’s John LaMacchia at 517-908-0303, jlamacchia@mml.org.
Matt Bach is director of media relations for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at mbach@mml.org.