- There are many transit options in Michigan and the state needs a comprehensive funding plan that will support all of them.
The Michigan Municipal League needs every mayor, manager, council member and municipal employee to call their state Senators today and ask them to reject the House transportation plan and pass the transportation-funding solution approved by the Senate on Nov. 13.
The Senate’s plan provides real support for our complete transportation system. The House proposal, passed late Thursday without a single Democratic vote, would shift dollars away from local governments, schools, transit and the general fund into roads.
The House plan relies on projected revenue increases, wouldn’t allow communities to benefit from a growing economy, and claims it would “hold communities harmless.” But we’ve played this game with revenue sharing dollars. The League has very serious concerns and we need your help to express our strong opposition to this proposal. Shifting money over to road funding is not a comprehensive solution to the road funding problem. For additional details on the two plans go here.
Call your Senators today and tell them to support the Senate plan and oppose the House proposal. Go here to our Action Center to get their contact information. Here are some talking points to use when calling them:
- We need to fix the roads and our transportation system without hurting local governments, schools and public transit.
- We stand behind Governor Snyder and his desire to solve this road-funding problem with new revenue. Taking money from others is not the right solution.
- The legislature should not solve the road funding problem by reducing revenue sharing and relying on “projected economic growth” forecasts to make up for lost revenue. This is a risk we cannot afford.
To help craft your responses, check out a recent interview League Board Vice President and East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett did on Fox 2 Detroit. On the “Let It Rip” program with Rep. Anthony Forlini, Triplett did an excellent job discussing why the Senate proposal is best, how the House plan would hurt communities, schools and transit, and why additional revenue is needed to support a comprehensive transportation plan. To hear Triplett’s responses to hard-hitting questions, watch segment 1 and segment 2 from the show.
If you have additional questions, please contact the League’s John LaMacchia II at 517-908-0303 or at jlamacchia@mml.org.