League Board votes to oppose Proposal 6

The MML Board of Trustees, at a meeting held during convention, voted to oppose Proposal 6 on the November general election ballot. If approved, Proposal 6 would require a statewide vote prior to the state involving itself in the construction of a international bridge.

Proposal 6 is the brainchild of billionaire Detroit developer Matty Mouroun, who owns the Ambassador Bridge. Mr. Maroun is trying to prevent the fulfillment of an agreement between the State of Michigan and Canada to build a second span between Detroit and Windsor.

The idea of a second span goes back to a report issued in 2004 and has been in the works since that time. Despite the economic turndown of the last few years, all indications are that the flow of commerce through Michigan between the United States and Canada will continue to increase.  Other reports also have shown that Michigan has great opportunities over the coming years to be a center of international commerce.

In this writer’s opinion had such attitudes about building a bridge been around a half-century ago, we’d still be taking ferries to the Upper Peninsula!  Members are urged to vote no on Proposal 6.

Arnold Weinfeld is Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Michigan Municipal League. He can be reached at 517-908-0304 or by e-mail.

One thought on “League Board votes to oppose Proposal 6

  1. Your organization acts "with the fervor of entrepreneurs." Hardly.

    If you did, then you would know that the Governor’s proposed bridge is a financial disaster requiring "availability payments" for at least 50 years since tolls are insufficient. After all traffic is down about 40% since it’s peak in 2000

    You also would have read the Agreement with Canada and would have learned that there is no binding legal commitment on Canada to pay one single penny and that Canada can walk away from the Agreement any time it wants with no legal remedy available to Michigan.

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