Tolerance and Prosperity

One of the eight assets of the MML’s Center for 21st Century Communities (21c3) programs is multiculturalism. Its the best way we could think of stating that being welcoming to all is as important as anything when it comes to communities prospering in the 21st century.

And someone who can be considered one of the forerunners in the discussion of “place”, Richard Florida, recently penned a article on the subject. It can be found in, a on-line ezine from “The Atlantic” magazine. If you’re interested in issues involving cities, you should definitely have this in your twitter feed.

The article, titled “The Geography of Talent” discusses how places that are open to new ideas attract creative people from around the globe, broadening both their technology and talent capabilities, gaining a substantial economic edge.  Talent and technology are Florida’s other “T’s” for creating prosperous communities.

Florida notes that recent studies indicate that half of all Silicon Valley start-ups have at least one foreign born person as a founder.  Florida notes that “Tolerance  –  and openness to diversity and inclusiveness – is not an afterthought or something that happens when communities get rich. It is a key element of the new economic development equation.

Florida recently released a 10th anniversary revsied edition of his original work on the rise of the creative class. While one may not always agree with what he has to say, his work does provide for some thought provoking conversation.